248 research outputs found

    Can ensemble condition in a hall be improved and measured?

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    Acoustical measurements on stages of nine U.S. concert halls

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    Strukturer i det limbiske system er det primære cerebrale grundlag for følelser (Gade, 1997), og epileptisk aktivitet i disse strukturer giver anfald med emotionelt indhold (del 1). I løbet af arternes udvikling er de limbiske mekanismer kommet under tiltagende kortikal kontrol, og to neuropsykologiske eksempler gives herpå. Del 2 beskriver følelsesændringer hos patienter med læsioner i højre kortikale hemisfære. I del 3 gennemgås ny forskning med analyser af konsekvenserne af læsioner af den orbitale del af præfrontal kortex. Denne kortex har tætte forbindelser med limbiske strukturer. De emotionelle ændringer ved læsion her ledsages af en defekt i evnen til at træffe fornuftige valg, som er med til at understrege begrænsningerne i vores evne til rationel tænkning og følelsernes betydning for beslutningstagning.Structures in the limbic system constitute the primary cerebral basis for emotions (Gade, 1997), and epileptic activity in these structures results in seizures with emotional content (part 1). These limbic mechanisms have come under increasing cortical control during the phylogenetic development, and two neuropsychological examples of this are provided. Part 2 describes emotional changes in patients with lesions of the right cerebral hemisphere. Part 3 is a review of recent research with analyses of the consequences of lesions in the orbital part of prefrontal cortex. This cortex is closely connected to limbic structures. Emotional changes after lesions of orbitofrontal cortex are accompanied by a deficit in the ability to make sound decisions. Such findings strenghten the view that our ability to make decisions on a purely rational basis is limited, and that emotions play an important role in normal decision making

    Mentale forestillingsbilleders neuropsykologi

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    Mental imagery was central to concepts of thinking in antiquity and early philosophy, as it was in the experiments and theories of last century's experimental psychologists. Under the influence of radical behaviorisrn imagery was reduced to a marginal role,but during the last two decades cognitive psychologists have again made it a topic of study. For neuropsychology imagery is interesting in its own right, hecause of its role in memory processes, and because of similarities to perception. A comprehensive theory of mental imagery (Kosslyn) has opened the way for componential analyses of cerebral processing in visual imagery, and studies of imagery representation in the brain are now possible.Forestillingsbilleder spillede en central rolle i antikkens og tidlige filosoffers begreber om tænkning, og i forrige århundredes eksperimentelle psykologers undersøgelser og teoridannelser. De var næsten fraværende fra det psykologiske univers under behaviorismens dominans, men har de sidste to årtier været genstand for fornyet og tiltagende interesse blandt kognitive psykologer. Neuropsykologisk er forestillingsbilleder interessante både i sig selv, på grund af deres lighed med perceptuelle processer, og på grund af deres rolle i hukommelsen. En sammenhængende teori om mentale forestillingsbilleder(Kosslyn) muliggør analyser af de enkelte komponenter i hjernens bearbejdning af (visuelle) forestillingsbilleder, og har givetmuligheder for at studere deres cerebrale repræsentation